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From United States

An inspiring story of courage, passion, and leading with your heart.

"Opening a door is more than a physical act. It's about putting yourself out there." WestJets Above and Beyond

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Share Your Heart

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From United States

After reading BE YOURSELF, I was inspired. The Learn to Lead sheets were extremely helpful, as I hung them around my desk where I could see them everyday. They not only helped me figure out WHAT I wanted to do, but how to be as successful as possible once I made my choice. By following Joe's 8 principles, ...

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Tyler Cooper
From Canada

On July 24, 2013, my plan was to go to a Tony Robbins event. I knew there would be other speakers, but wasn’t familiar with them. That changed when you came on the stage. Your passion for life captivated me within seconds, and I knew as I moved forward, you would be someone who would inspire me. At the time of ...

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Joe, Managing Director
From United States

I thought the book was terrific. Its about things we all know we should do, but rarely conscious of on a daily basis. I especially liked "Playing in Traffic," "Speaking from your heart" and "Don't be afraid to cry." Nicely written.

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From United States

Life Lessons - Just finished your book. Thank you for lifting me up...taking action, playing in traffic (i.e. get off my ass), and the touching thoughts on your kids (as they are not invisible)...were all very poignant for me. Especially the kids part as I have 5 kids myself, and am divorced and 125 miles away from them. I ...

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From Canada

Congratulations on the success of BYS. It really is a great book, and I’ve been recommending it to everyone I come across. I can only imagine the positive responses you’ve received, but I think you would be hard pressed to find someone who has taken your words to heart, and applied them in their life like I have. I felt so ...

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Wade Garnett
From United States

Thank you, Joe, for sharing your inspirational stories, experiences, and themes. I particularly appreciated the stories of your family’s legacy in helping revitalize Trenton and the College of St. Rose. After reading your book, I was visiting relatives from Albany whose daughter graduated from the College of St. Rose. In talking with them, we discovered that my Albany ...

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Vince McDade
From Australia

Great book Joe. This just proved to me what I've always said, " You can't change the way people think about you! But only you can change how you think about them" This book has inspired me as a Business Troubelshooter. Cheers, Vince

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Kusuma Tawady
From United States

Review of the Book: “The Power of Being Yourself” By Joe Plumeri The author has opened his heart and soul in this book; expressing the importance of “Being Your-self” by his life experience. Keeping the suffering & the success in his mind and using that as a lever to focus on doing the right thing. It is a good reference ...

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Mellisa J
From United States

So I literally just finished the book. And gave myself about 5 minutes before I impulsively decided to post something! Story of my life doing things once they popped into my head. As it turns out I may have had some great ideas in my life and although I tried but failed with my ventures. I did learn one major ...

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  • What did you learn about yourself from the book BE YOURSELF?
  • How did the LEARN TO LEAD worksheets help you?
  • How have you become a Leader in your relationships and community?
  • How did BYS help you overcome an obstacle?
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In the book BE YOURSELF I talk about the importance of face to face connection. I want to see and hear your personal stories. How has BYS and LEARN TO LEAD impacted your life? Upload your video to Youtube using the form below.

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